Xcom 2 cheats steam
Xcom 2 cheats steam

xcom 2 cheats steam

I went for a mod which changed the starting resources via an.

xcom 2 cheats steam

For my problem of resource management there are several mods that increase starting resources, including a very useful one that gives you a single scientist and engineer at the start because you can derail your whole game if you don't get enough of them early, especially the engineers. You don't like turn limits in missions? There is a mod to turn them off (I didn't download that one). But a good number of them directly address all the points any player ever complained about. The whole exercise of downloading and using mods is rather painless, with the most difficult part being finding the right mods for you in the Steam Workshop (which really could use better sorting options). Once you download a mod, the same start screen allows you to select which mods you want to have active, and which ones you don't, similar to the addon selection screen of World of Warcraft. And already there are hundreds of mods you can find there. On the very first screen of XCOM 2 you can instead of pressing the "play" button go to the Steam Workshop instead. In XCOM 2 it turns out that cheats are now called "mods" and are very well integrated in the game interface.

xcom 2 cheats steam

In the previous XCOM game I solved the problem with a cheat program which gave me more money at the start. But for the battles I like them to be a bit more challenging. That isn't exactly what I want, I don't like if the resources in a game are so tight that there is only one possible sequence of decisions which doesn't lead to disaster.

xcom 2 cheats steam

While XCOM 2 lets you select a difficulty level, the choice isn't very detailed, and if you want harder battles, you also get a harder resource management game with it. The first couple of games all ended in failure because I had taken wrong economic decisions in the "outer" game that connects the various battles. I've been playing a lot of XCOM 2 since it came out.

Xcom 2 cheats steam